C.G. Jung on Alchemy

I enjoyed reading ‘Jung on Alchemy’, a compilation of his various references to this subject, edited by Nathan Schwartz- Salant. What a revelation, to read that consciousness and its focal point ‘the ego’ have not been a constant for man over the ages; instead, he suggests, they have been an ongoing development. Jung saw consciousness … Continue reading C.G. Jung on Alchemy

Jung: The dead, it seems, do not possess great Knowledge!

I was struck by a few lines in C.G. Jung’s ‘Memories, Dreams and Reflections’. They reinvigorated my own growing impression that this three dimensional world, of time and space, is really at the cutting edge of ‘the spiritual endeavour.’ It seems to be where the real ‘graft’ happens. The gems are mined here to be … Continue reading Jung: The dead, it seems, do not possess great Knowledge!